Thursday 30 August 2012

The Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall (1961 to 1989) separated the city of Berlin in Germany. It separated the eastern siden to the western. When fully built it was 104 miles long (168 km) Many of the people on the inside of it thought it was a symbol of the cold war.

 After World War II Germany was separated into 4 zones, France, United Kingdom, USA and Soviet Union, After Germany split to west and east Germany in 1949, 2.6 million 'easties' left to West Germany. Unbelivably, in Berlin on it's on 1.6 million of those Germans fled to West Germany. The Soviet Union didn't like this, so on August 13 1961 they built a wall. The Berlin wall.

The wall was built to keep the country's people in, but the Soviets said it was to keep capitalism out. They also said world that West Germany refuses to have East Germany recognized as a indepentent country. They had dreams and said that they wanted to take over North-east German like Hitler and Poland.

Even though the wall was there the people still tried to escape. They used a lot of methods to get past the gaurds and barbed wire. Some made it over the wall but theren was a firing range with nothing to take cover behind. But even if there were there were snipers on each side of the range so there was no escape.

In the November of 1989, the CCEG (Central Commitee of East Germany thought that it would be easier for the East Germans to go through the wall. This was a mistake by a press officer meaning the
border  was opened several hours before it should be. The entire population of 'berliners' celebrated this and as a joke many collected souvineirs with chisels

In the 28 years of it being up the death toll was somewhere between 125 and 206 people were shot and killed.

The wall was destroyed on the 9th of September 1989and the people of Berlin were free again!!!

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